What is a Spiritual Companion?
As a spiritual companion I offer a safe space for you to explore and share whatever you wish to in relation to your life journey, spiritual connection and personal circumstances. Whether you already hold established beliefs, have an active spiritual life which doesn’t fit into a box, or simply need the space to begin to explore, I will support you through embodied, compassionate listening, and offer a gentle, holding presence to enable you to deepen and grow.
How can it help?
Companioning sessions can be helpful if you’re struggling to see your way forward in life, are sensing a need for change, or have a deep yearning for spiritual connection that is not met by existing practices. By taking time together to explore what spirituality means to you we can begin to identify your gateways to spiritual connection, and find ways of integrating them into your daily life that work for you and enrich and sustain you.
Major life events such as bereavement, illness, menopause, moving house or the end of a relationship, for example, can bring a sense of disorientation and challenge your identity, purpose and sense of meaning in life. What we know has fallen apart and the way ahead is not clear yet. These times of struggle can also open a gateway into the next chapter of life. Having a space to talk and be heard with empathy and compassion can help create space for insight and growth, finding deeper connection with yourself, and a wider perspective on your life journey.
What does it involve?
My aim is to help you fulfil yourself and become more centred and grounded in your own being. If it feels helpful I may share some of my own experience, recognising that we are all souls on this earth. I meet you as a fellow traveller through life, while at all times your wellbeing comes first. Spiritual Companioning sessions can work well alongside counselling and psychotherapy. I may suggest therapy and refer on if that seems more appropriate for you.
If you already have an active spiritual life my role may be to support you in your daily practice, encouraging regular reflection and kindness towards yourself and others. A holistic view of health includes our spiritual wellbeing, developing our capacity to reflect, grow, connect and meet life and all it brings, with an open heart.
I trained as a Spiritual Companion with William Bloom and the Spiritual Companions Trust, having discovered the benefits of companioning sessions while navigating major changes at midlife. I found that the space to explore my spiritual life helped me identify, articulate and deepen my experience of spiritual connection. Integrating this creatively into my daily life helped me find greater clarity about my next steps.